
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Graphite Pencil in my Art

I love the look of pencil drawings, monochromatic and pen/ink. There is a simplicity that speaks to my heart. Often in the my own  artwork I will let the pencil show through to the end painting. The fur of the rabbit may show the shadows that have been put in at the very start with pencil as the under coat. The eyelashes or whiskers may be pencil. The tri-colour  hair of deer is made up of pencil under and over paint.

As one of the first art tools as a small child...the pencil is still one of my favorite tools. At the end of the painting I seal both the paint and pencil together with my isolation coat to make the two an integral part of the art.
This half done owl painting is great example, the drawing was very detailed and the paint was very light to let the graphite pencil show through. I just use a standard mechanical pencil for this part. 

The kitten's basket is mostly pencil with only the lightest application of colour on it. This young man's portrait was pencil and graphite powder applied with a paper stumpy plus acrylic paint.  Pencil can be such a cool part of the completed art.  Have to make one of my next the pencil work.

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