
Friday, August 7, 2015

Paintings inspired this years trip to the SEA

Every year I can't wait to go to the ocean. And every summer we make the trip and for me it is a bit like a pilgrimage home. As a child I lived within sight of the ocean till I was 14.  When I return to the waters edge it feels like I am greeting a family member. To walk the beach, dig my toes into the sand listen to the waves, I just savour it.

 To be exposed to all the life in the sea is an endless adventure, the tidal pools are full of creatures, the sand is crawling with life and the water both conceals and reveals so much life with each pulse of waves.

Here are the paintings that this year has inspired. So this is my Orcas flying painting. Love to see these immense beauties rise up out of the water. We were so lucky to see a full pod of killer whales playing along side the ferry and have a grey whale swim right past us while boating in the Broken Island waters.

Working on this sea lion painting right now and will post the completed painting on website when it is done.
My mind's is full of the sea.....I am letting wash out of me on the tip my paint brush.